Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I've been weaving scarves like my life depends on it! You can find them at my Etsy store!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

In Love

My sister decided to adopt a senior dog from a rescue. She is a malnourished and neglected poodle mix. She needed two surgeries or she wouldn't make it. A wonderful foster mom took her in and saved her from being put down. Cait, my sister, brought her home on Friday.

She could only sleep. She shook because she was scared. It was heart breaking. 
 She wouldn't eat and she could barely stand. We worried and worried. Mom and I went and got anything we could think of to get her to eat. Turns out a product called Dogsure is incredible. Cait and I have been feeding her the senior formula with a syringe. Today she is alert and she is even sitting up. She's amazing. I love her. I get to watch her when Cait is out and I have her right now. She's snuggly and sweet. 

How could anyone harm an animal?

 I love her so much. She's gonna be so happy and healthy from now on. She deserves it. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

on to the next


Life is full of adventures

I've moved to the Philadelphia area. I'm closer to my family, and though it wasn't my choice, I will start over here and I will make a great life for myself.  I will forever feel a great loss regarding Thelma and Louise, but I can't bring them here. They will have happy lives somewhere else. The Wednesday Spinners have been the best friends ever and I will genuinely miss all of you ladies. I hope to still keep in touch. I'm terribly sad I won't be there to demo weaving with flax at the Commonground Fair. I know it'll be awesome. 

I'm still going to make all kinds of things. Moving does not change who I am. I'm an artist. I will create and reinvent. 

I'm making a scarf currently. It's Icelandic wool and it's lovely. 

Made this one yesterday. It's 100% merino. So soft and warm! 
As soon as my things get to philly (my camera and computer etc.) I'll take real photographs of these as well as a gorgeous silk and merino scarf I made a few days ago. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

another beautiful day.

So far today, I've cleaned out the barn, made three chicken pot pies (one for the freezer and two minis for my day with Susanne tomorrow!), baked cookies and now I'm relaxing on the deck weaving. 


Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Well, I'm done with the blue and white warp. Learned a lot. Made some good rugs. Made myself one to stand on while weaving. 

So now I warp. I'm winding some awesome ORANGE!!!!




Sunday, June 19, 2016



spinning with Thelma and Louise!

I spun from the washed lock and double plied it. Amazing. It's Nash Island wool. 

Also skeined up some Lincoln singles for rugs. 



Saturday, June 18, 2016


 After the Bragdon siblings got my fence going (thank you Wendy!!!), they are enjoying how happy Thelma and Louise are. 

After spending some time in the new pasture with my beautiful girls, I had to cut some watermelon and bake some cookies (with eggs brought to us by a neighbor). I made a batch of coleslaw and started dinner too. As I cooked, I could watch the girls out the window. 

Now, my girls are in bed. The house is locked up, Kylie is asleep and I am knitting a cardigan. 



Friday, June 17, 2016


I woke up and fed Thelma and Louise, my new sheep.  They are happy and healthy and two months old. Louise is dark in color. She's a coopworthXRomney and Thelma is white. She's FinnXRomneyXCoopworth. They're still nervous, but they are getting used to me. 


Then I spun a lovely Lincoln fleece from the lock. 

 Rug yarn. Nice. 




Monday, June 13, 2016

new project/for mom, finally

My mom is my biggest cheerleader and has loved every little painting I ever made. (Not some of the college years, but that's another story!).  She says other people would love them too. I'm gonna sell them at some point....I think? 

First painting. "Roo"
Watercolor. Framed. Roughly 3"X4". 

Watercolor. Framed. Roughly 3"X4"

"Art Room #1"
Watercolor. Framed. Roughly 3"X4"




some new yarn.

This is icelandic/ mohair blend:

This is Churro:



Friday, June 10, 2016


More from life and loom 

Chenille and cotton warp. 


Monday, June 6, 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

my Nash Island fleece.....and others

I'm cold soaking most of it (the best stuff) for 24 hours. 

The dirtiest stuff, I'm dyeing in cochineal so I can get it a bit cleaner. 

Spinning some Churro I dyed a couple weeks ago. From my friend Karen in Sullivan, ME. 



Nash Island Shearing

I feel pretty lucky to have been there for shearing this year. Alfie and Eleni Wakeman and their awesome kids, Jani Estelle of Starcroft Fiber Mill and Geri Valentine and Donna, my friends from Wednesday spinners (and ROCKSTAR shearers), welcomed Kylie and me to attend and help. We left early and picked up Liz (from Darthia Farm). We hurried and thought we were late because the dock was way at the end of a very long and windy road. We made it in time and all boarded boats.

There was a lobster boat (Alfie's) and a small boat with an outboard (Donna's). Kylie, Liz and I rode in Donna's boat with all of the food and Eleni's mom, Jane (Ya-Ya) who was the kitchen boss. She ran a tight ship, but smiled the whole day. The food was delicious and I helped on and off throughout the day.

As for the shearing…..first, we all swept the island and herded the sheep into a pasture that funneled them down to the shearing pen. We had to grab the lambs (82!) and put them in a different pen so that their tails could be banded.

The adult sheep (110 of them) were waiting to be shorn. It was amazing. There were four shearers and a bunch of sheep wranglers and everyone was happy and the lambs were noisy. It was a long and gorgeous and perfect day.

Jani graded the fleeces while Rob and Sarah threw them up onto the skirting table. The fleeces for her different grade/weight yarns went in HUUUUGE burlap bags and the very special fleeces for hand spinners to buy went into sheets and were wrapped individually. A few of us were lucky enough to pick fleeces to purchase. Today I will open mine up in the sun and sort it, admire it, wash it, maybe dye some……so excited!

When we were done, we loaded everyone onto the Eleni Wakes (Alfie's) except for a few of us (me clutching my fleece in its sheet like a newborn) who went on Donna's boat with the two rams. We had to take them to a neighboring island for the season.

it was a wonderful day.