Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Well, I'm done with the blue and white warp. Learned a lot. Made some good rugs. Made myself one to stand on while weaving. 

So now I warp. I'm winding some awesome ORANGE!!!!




Sunday, June 19, 2016



spinning with Thelma and Louise!

I spun from the washed lock and double plied it. Amazing. It's Nash Island wool. 

Also skeined up some Lincoln singles for rugs. 



Saturday, June 18, 2016


 After the Bragdon siblings got my fence going (thank you Wendy!!!), they are enjoying how happy Thelma and Louise are. 

After spending some time in the new pasture with my beautiful girls, I had to cut some watermelon and bake some cookies (with eggs brought to us by a neighbor). I made a batch of coleslaw and started dinner too. As I cooked, I could watch the girls out the window. 

Now, my girls are in bed. The house is locked up, Kylie is asleep and I am knitting a cardigan. 



Friday, June 17, 2016


I woke up and fed Thelma and Louise, my new sheep.  They are happy and healthy and two months old. Louise is dark in color. She's a coopworthXRomney and Thelma is white. She's FinnXRomneyXCoopworth. They're still nervous, but they are getting used to me. 


Then I spun a lovely Lincoln fleece from the lock. 

 Rug yarn. Nice. 




Monday, June 13, 2016

new project/for mom, finally

My mom is my biggest cheerleader and has loved every little painting I ever made. (Not some of the college years, but that's another story!).  She says other people would love them too. I'm gonna sell them at some point....I think? 

First painting. "Roo"
Watercolor. Framed. Roughly 3"X4". 

Watercolor. Framed. Roughly 3"X4"

"Art Room #1"
Watercolor. Framed. Roughly 3"X4"




some new yarn.

This is icelandic/ mohair blend:

This is Churro:



Friday, June 10, 2016


More from life and loom 

Chenille and cotton warp. 


Monday, June 6, 2016